
We are getting ready for some visitors! Josh’s mother, bother and nephew are coming to see us. I have cleaned the house and tried to the best of my ability to get the dog smell out of everything. A combination of baking soda, Febreze and air freshener on every surface is helping.

I am getting ready bake something new Brownie Cupcakes from Gooseberry Patch. They look fun and easy. Plus then I can use my cake stand to display them. Also going to whip up some Twice Baked Potatoes tonight.

I also found a new wish list item. I have a bit of a thing for mixing bowl sets. Passed down from my mother. She has a few sets each one are unique and fit into her kitchen and holidays perfectly. I have been waiting for find the perfect one and here it is and better yet it is from one of my favorite catalogs. I have been a Victorian Trading Company customer since I was about 12!

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